Programs, Partners and
Community Connections

TwentyEight:19 Programs

twentyeight:19 men's bible study

FORGE: Men's Group

Groups of men from Linden, NAPC and across the Columbus area, ages 18 to 70, have gathered at our facility study a range of Biblical topics through video series, books and devotionals while focusing on personal spiritual growth, discipleship, accountability and relationship-building.


Sunday Morning

On the second Sunday of each month, we livestream a worship service at 11 am, which concludes with a large, family-style meal and relationship-building.

twentyeight:19 teen bible study

Youth Discovery Bible Study

Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-4:30pm, we’ll be hosting a Discovery Bible Study at TwentyEight:19. This is open to students 9th-12th grade in the Linden area. This is a time to focus on reading the Bible, engaging in real discussions about life and purpose, and learning leadership principles.


Drive Team

This group currently serves by providing transportation for individuals to attend church on Sundays. As the team expands, we aspire to extend out services to support a variety of programs at Twentyeight:19


Young Adults Ministry

Every other Wednesday evening from 7-10pm up to 30 recent graduates, ages 18-22 years old, gather for fellowship, food, games and a Bible lesson. We spend time focusing on developing life skills and building a community within Linden. Volunteers from Central Ohio FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) organize and run this program.


There's a seat for you at the table

Alpha exists to equip and partner with churches so that more people explore life and transformation through Jesus and the Christian faith.

antioch house of prayer & Worship

Worship and prayer, hosting the presence of God

Through our partnership with Garden City Church, we gather every Thursday at 11am for a time of prayer, worship and hosting the presence of the Lord. All are welcome to attend. 

TwentyEight:19 Partners

The Parable Project

After-School Mentoring Program

After-school mentoring program serving middle school teens in the Linden community. We operate twice weekly, granting our students access to outdoor recreational opportunities followed by dinner and discussion. Our discussion time features conversations about Jesus and the gospel message, emotional awareness through the building of new vocabulary, and preparing our students for success in the future marketplace

FCA Central Ohio

High School Students and Athletes

On Thursday mornings we host a group of 6-8 area high school coaches through our partnership with Central Ohio FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). The Coaches’ Huddle focuses on fellowship, Biblical truths and tools for engaging with the youth of the Linden area.

Reset, Inc

4th & 5th Grade Linden STEM Elementary Students

On Wednesdays and Thursdays, we host 4th & 5th graders from Linden STEM Elementary through our partnership with Reset, Inc. Reset is a program that provides an hour of Bible teaching to elementary students during the school week and is led by volunteers from the community and NAPC. We started 3 years ago with 10-12 students, and now serve almost 25 students per session with plans to add at least one more session in 23-24 school year!

TwentyEight:19 Community Connections

emmanuel resource center aka theecenter

Empowering youth and adults to enrich their lives

TheECenter is a place where students and adults come and receive academic and spiritual help. They provide personal growth and enrichment programs for youth and adults. Programs are conducted in a safe, supportive, and encouraging small-group environment. Class sizes are limited to 10 participants. 

god's hygiene help center (GHHC)

Providing hygiene products to those in need

Sharing the love of Jesus and the Gospel while providing hygiene products to those in need. God’s Hygiene is a resource center in Linden (1402 Oakland Park Avenue) offering hygiene products for all people while also sharing the redemptive hope found in the gospel. At God’s Hygiene, community residents can go to the center once/month for resources they may need. 

central ohio youth for christ (coyfc)

Equip Skills Center

The Equip Skills Center engages youth with the Gospel and teaches them valuable skills and knowledge connected with the automotive and mechanic industries.