Frequently Asked


Serving the Linden Community is our purpose!  Below are the 19 most commonly asked questions.  If your questions are not answered through the information below, please email us at [email protected].

No, everyone is welcome.

A positive attitude and a desire to be here. Consistent attendance, participation, and respect for one another are key elements.

We are here to serve, and we are not going anywhere. It is not about us–it is about you and your community!

The building is leased from Splitrock, LLC

A strong desire to serve the diverse Linden Community. Building is located on a bus line, in a safe area, it offers multi-purpose use within the space and has free parking.

Originally via our three Founders. Now, through a combination of Private Donors, Foundation Grants, as well as the generosity and support of those in the community, such as you!

No, although we do Broadcast a service from New Albany Presbyterian Church (NAPC) via livestream on the LAST Sunday of each month.

Daily through the various Programs & Ministries.

Building hours are predicated by the programs occurring each day.

We always welcome new Ministry Partners. If you have a Christian Ministry, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss.

Nothing, the space is offered free of charge to our Ministry Partners and Community Connection Partners.

We are not a church, and we are not a single point of one service, like many other non-profits. TwentyEight:19 is the facilitator and incubator that hosts and funds a continuum of Ministry Programs which serve Pre-K through young adults, as well as Men’s Groups and Women’s Group from the Linden Community.

Reach out, connect with us, and share your vision and mission. We welcome conversations with Gospel-Centered Organizations as well as Community Connection Partners. Please email us at [email protected] to arrange a time to meet.

Through networking, a mindset of collaboration, and support for each other’s programs. Contact our Program Coordinator at [email protected] to arrange a time to meet.

Yes, in order to be a Ministry Partner.

No. The fundraising efforts at TwentyEight:19 serve to support the overall vision, mission as well as the building facility.

  • Gospel-Centered Organization
  • Offer a specific and tangible program
  • Communicate in an open and transparent manner
  • Have respect for the facility
  • Willing to sign a Partner Agreement